Our Vision.


It's hard to be passionate about something that you can't catch a vision for. Without vision, there's no direction, and without direction you lose purpose.

Our vision is this. There are so many things that fight for the attention of this generation. The battles they face look very different from the battles that students faced just 10 years ago. Students now have access to things we couldn't possibly dream of. Their realities are scary and hard to understand. 

This is what drives Breakaway Conference.

The reality that, for some of these students, the only chance they will ever have of encountering a real God is Breakaway. Our vision and desire is that every student in the state of Arkansas would come to know God and everything that comes with Him. The peace of knowing He's got you, the passion that burns in you and makes you want more of His presence, the drive He puts in you to go after Him and the very thing He's created you for.

Our vision is simple; go after God with everything you have and be amazed at where He takes you!
